Search: “autism”

39 results for your search.

I Am So Sick Of Autism

Yes, I’m sick of autism. No, I’m not sick of Autism the Condition. That I can live with, although it’s a complete pain in the ass sometimes. But what isn’t? So that’s not what I mean. I’m talking about everything…

What Autism Awareness Means at Autism Speaks

Autism awareness. Just when you think it couldn’t get any more annoying, it does. And it’s only April 2nd. Apparently, the folks at Autism Speaks, in their infinite wisdom about all things autism, decided it would be an excellent idea…

Autism Awareness Month

Well, Autism Awareness Month is upon us. Aren’t you excited? I know I am. So much to look forward to! And guess what I got for the first day of Autism Awareness Month? Today, in celebration of this wondrous occasion,…